Japanese Language Education: A Bridge between Language & Culture
Lakshmi, M. V., Hosokawa, H., & George, P.A. (Eds.)
- 2012年,Northern Book Centre(インド)刊
- ISBN: 81-7211-305-6
Language Education in India, over the past few years has evolved with new curricula to serve a varied range of learners at various levels be it in the academia, the business world, in school curriculum or as a hobby class .With 'global' being the catch word in all fields, effective communication necessitates not just proficiency in the language concerned, but also in the culture of the land to be able to reach out to its people.
This volume addresses various issues of relevance that pertain to Language Education and focuses on the indispensable role of Culture in Language Education from a variety of perspectives of teaching, and learning. Case studies to ascertain the role of Culture incorporated into the Language classroom have been taken up for Japanese and Korean Languages while addressing issues that would be applicable to many other languages as well.
It is felt that this book would be a good resource material for teachers, researchers, students, educationists, and help to open new vistas of research in fields of Japanese Language Education and Language education at large.
(以上,Jawaharlal Nehru University Libraryによる紹介)
- 前書き:ことばと文化を結ぶために―これからのインドにおける日本語教育に向けて / 細川英雄
- Preface / Editor's Note - M. V. Lakshmi
- Part 1. Keynote Address
- 「ことばの市民」になるということ――言語教育がことばと文化を結ぶ / 細川英雄
- Part 2-A. Language Education: Methods and Issues (Reseach Papers in Japanese)
- 2.言語教育における「自分誌」活動の可能性―ことばとアイデンティティを結ぶために / 高橋聡
- 3.自分史活動で学習者は何を体験していたか―振り返りインタビューを基に / 長嶺倫子
- 4.「辞書の言葉」が「自分の言葉」になるとき―「考えるための日本語1」参加体験からの考察 / 原伸太郎
- 5.日本語教育における対話的アセスメントの意義と可能性 / 市嶋典子
- 6.「自分の日本語」が育まれる日本語教育の必要性―「日本語が上手になりたい」ある学習者の変化から / 鄭京姫
- 7.上級日本事情科目における文章指導法研究 / P. A. George
- 8.通訳養成に文化面に関する知識が不可欠である / Prem Motwani
- 9.コミュニケーションに見られる文化の影響:自分が言いたいことは相手にそのまま受け取られているのか / Sanchit Anand
- 10.恥の文化 対 罪の文化 / Shubhra Rajput
- 11.言語教育はことばと文化を結ぶ―日印文化共通点 / Varun Tomar
- 12.インドの大学における日本語学習者の特徴―ジャワハルラル・ネール大学における言語使用状況調査と言語学習ビリーフ調査をもとに / Matsumoto Aya
- Part 2-B. Language Education: Methods and Issues (Research Papers in English)
- 13. Verbs in Context: Usage Patterns of Verbs of Giving and Receiving in Japanese and Hindi. - Sushama Jain
- 14. Learner Anxieties and Fears in Public speaking: A study - Janashroti Chandra
- I5. Understanding Figurative Language: Figurative collections and/or one word metaphors in Japanese - Reema Singh
- 16. Aspects of Traditional Family in Japan and Maharashtra as seen through the Proverbs - Nissim Bedekar
- 17. Understanding the Cultural meaning of Cow from proverbs and idioms: Korean & Hindi - Jong Min Kim
- 18. Translating Cultures: Impact of Texts on Learner Perception of a Target Culture - M. V. Lakshmi
- 19. Korean Language and Culture Teaching in the Indian Context: Status and Strategies - Ravikesh
- 20. Role of Language in Learning Culture through Literature - Rupa Singh